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Sylvania GNET28001SN Meso 8.9" Netbook PC (1.6 GHz Intel Atom Processor, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB Hard Drive, Ubuntu OS) White

Sylvania GNET28001SN Meso 8.9" Netbook PC (1.6 GHz Intel Atom Processor, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB Hard Drive, Ubuntu OS) White

Sylvania GNET28001SN Meso 8.9" Netbook PC (1.6 GHz Intel Atom Processor, 1 GB RAM, 80 GB Hard Drive, Ubuntu OS) White

Free yourself from clumsy electronics and enjoy uncompromising mobility with the G netbook Meso. Smaller and lighter than a laptop, the G netbook Meso was meant to be used anywhere life takes you. Flexing Intel's new Atom processor, enjoy powerful computing without the weight: only 2.2 lbs. Access pictures, music, movies and the web without the bulk of a laptop. Discover the netbook -- the next generation in personal productivity. Indulge in portable, lightweight connectivity at an affordable price. 8.9? diagonal (1024 x 600) Backlit LED Display Integrated Webcamera Intel 945 Express Graphics Chipset 802.11b/g Wireless 10/100 Ethernet Multi Card Reader 3 x USB 2.0, Headphone out; Microphone-in, VGA, RJ-45 LAN Approximate Unit Dimensions - 9? (L) x 7? (W) x 1.25?(H) Approximate Unit Weight - 2.2 Pounds

Product Details

  • Amazon Sales Rank: #246 in Personal Computers
  • Color: White
  • Brand: Sylvania
  • Model: gnet28001sn
  • Dimensions: 1.25" h x 7.00" w x 9.10" l, 2.20 pounds
  • CPU: Intel Core Solo 1.6 GHz
  • Memory: 1000MB DDR DRAM
  • Hard Disk: 80GB
  • Processors: 1
  • Display size: 8.9

  • Features

  • 2.2 lbs of muscular Intel Atom performance at uncompromised mobility
  • Connected, built in WiFi
  • Secure web browsing, email and entertainment
  • Windows Xp Home Edition or Linux-based Ubuntu Netbook Remix
  • 8.9-Inch LED backlit display with integrated webcam for easy chat and photos

  • Customer Reviews

    Meso happy too!5
    Agree with the first "Meso Happy" review. I put this machine on my Christmas list based on that review. And I was not sorry I did. It's been a great Linux experience. I switched to Linux after a bad Vista experience.

    - Keyboard fits like a glove.
    - It's Ubuntu. Need I say more?
    - It's a total work-horse. I've been doing several engineering chores with it over the last month, and I can't get over the speed of this thing.
    - Good, solid construction.

    - Like all other laptop computers that I try to use, the mouse pad is a nuisance and needs to have an option to disable it. I bought an external USB Mouse and taped a piece of plastic over the mouse-pad and now the cursor doesn't do crazy things when I'm typing a document.
    - Only one 'Shift' key on the keyboard. But I'd rather learn to type around it than to do the musical keys redefine that the one reviewer did.
    - The blue function (Fn) keys do not seem to be fully integrated with the Linux OS. For instance, the number pad keys don't type numbers.
    - Many of the sub-windows generated within the apps will not fit properly on the screen. Took me awhile to find that I could use the 'Alt' key to get around this.
    - The external video connector does not seem to work so far with my Acer display at work.
    - Change the media card reader to another USB slot. Let consumers get external readers if needed.

    Caveat Emptor3
    Pros: After you get it working, it does perform as promised. I bought it as a PDA substitute, and its small size and capability make it very good for that. It even costs less than my PDA. I bought the Linux version for quick start up. Ubuntu is very user friendly.

    Cons: 1) The ad says 2.2 lbs, the box says 2.2 lbs, and 2.2 lbs it does weigh . . . until you snap in the battery. Then it weighs 2.75 lbs.

    2) Neither the wifi nor the camera worked out of the box. Doing a software recovery started the wifi, and a downloaded patch brought the camera to life. But the wifi doesn't pick up as many hot spots as other computers and the camera is really bad (but then I don't need a camera).

    3) There is no right shift key. Honest. There is no shift key on the right side of the key board. So, as long as you don't need to capitalize any letters on the left side, you're OK! Actually, there is a dorky workaround in which you remap the keyboard to put a right shift where the up arrow is, the up arrow goes to where the menu key is, then the menu goes to where the useless supershift key is. (Hey, Sylvania! Create a patch for this.)

    Also the keyboard IS really small, but if you have small hands it is quite typeable.

    4) I guess you could squeeze four hours out of the battery if you turned the screen way dark, but as you will want to use it in the real world, figure on 3 hours.

    5) Documentation is almost nonexistent, and what there is is for the XP version. Almost nothing on the web site as well. (It is assumes that Linux users can figure out anything by themselves.)

    Wow! Meso happy! Ubuntu rocks! This machine is a poor man's MAC!5
    I am currently writing this on my new Sylvania G Netbook MESO. Which I have now owned for a little over two weeks. This is the Ubuntu Remix edition, but if the desire moved me I could always throw on a copy of windows XP. For the record the desire will not be happening any time soon. Let me first explain why I decided on the MESO and then give a brief review of pros and cons this little machine.

    WHY DID I BUY: Over the last few years I have started to use Linux more and more. I am not a "geek" persay. And I don't like having to command line everything. I like a nice grasphical interface to do nearly all my work. I'm from the windows 95, XP generation. So I hunted around and tried a few distributions, SUSE, Madriva (which I loved for a while) and then I discover Ubuntu. Something about Ubuntu just felt right. Everyone is different. But for me Ubuntu felt like home. Is it a perfect replacement for windows....no. But it does most of what I need. And after spending some time working with a Vista laptop, I finally decided that my next laptop would be Ubuntu based. Vista was too bloated. Even with all the eye candy turned off....it was slowwwww. I would run Ubuntu on the same laptop and it was quick and responsive even with COMPIZ (eyecandy working overtime) So I wanted a laptop with Ubuntu preinstalled and working right out of the box. But it seemed that of big commercial companies only DELL offers Ubuntu laptops. They are very nice looking. But I just wasn't sold. Then I saw the new crop of netbooks coming out, and I stumbled upon the Ubuntu web page describing the Netbook Remix GUI. I decided to make the plunge. So when the first netbook came out with this version of Ubuntu on it, I purchased it.

    WHY GET UBUNTU REMIX: I wanted it, because it had the power of Ubuntu, but with the simplicity of a mac using the remix GUI. (once you get use to it. I come from a PC background (windows) and when I first started working on a Mac it took me a few hours to get comfortable. The remix was as easy as that to adjust to, if not easier. My wife who is completely computer illiterate, and can crash any machine in about 30 seconds by just looking at it, and she was up and running on this in no time. (and as a side note: Has not been able to crash it yet.)

    TO MESO OR NOT TO MESO: Sylvania? Don't they make light bulbs? Yeah they do. I was a bit wary of buy anything from a relatively no name (computer) company. And truth be told they are simply slapping their brand on a machine from over seas. But then again who isn't these days. I purchased the netbook, because I wanted something inexpensive, (around $350) with a decent harddrive (80gb on the meso), that was small and lightweight from carrying around, and good on battery usage. The meso met all those needs. It may not be for everyone, but it was perfect for my needs. And I can say that any issues I have had, their tech support has walked me through, via emails and telephone calls. The support has been excellent from Sylvania.

    THE LOOK: A number of site have said it looks like a portable dvd player. That maybe be so, to some people. But I have had more complements on the look of this device in the last two weeks, than with any other electronic gadget I have ever owned. I own the white (snow) version. Looks like a baby Mac. And people will come up to me and ask "where did you get such a cute little laptop? I love it." I mention that it uses Ubuntu, and the price. Most have no idea what Ubuntu is, but when they see the interface, they are like "Wow." That's so cool looking, and I can't believe its so inexpensive!" The build quality is excellent as well. At no time does the meso feel "cheap". It well constructed, and has a lightweight but solid feel.

    PROs: Great battery life. I was working at a net cafe for nearly four hours wirelessly and still had charge left in my battery. Not bad at all. I had it on the highest power saving setting, and the screen dimmed a bit, but still that excellent. The screen is nice and bright, and easy on the eyes. I have the 1 gb ram version, and I find the performance to be excellent. This version of Ubuntu is tweaked to best use the Intel Atom processor's various abilities, and it is fast and responsive. Boot time from cold start about 30-45 seconds. But after that you ready to go. Not like windows. 45 seconds to boot, then wait another 3-5 minutes while all your programs load. When Ubuntu is up, its up. 30-45 seconds is not bad at all. From a suspend mode, you up in 5-7 seconds. So far hibernate does not work. I hope they get this function working in the near future. 80 gb hard drive, is fast and quiet. CPU fan is silent. I mean it is as quiet as a mouse. I have heard others having issues with it running at a high rate. These may have been some of the early models first released of the line. But mine is stone silent. The restore partition (in case you jack up your ubuntu) works great! (I have already tried it, it wipes everything and puts it back to how it was when you first opened the box.) VGA port works great. I have it connected to a DELL monitor at 1280X1024 resolution. Plug and play. I have hooked up a number of usb sticks, mice, keyboards, external harddrives, CD/DVD burner, two HP printers, all worked plug and play. If you need a small, lightweight, machine, that won't get viruses and crap ware, this is the machine. Wireless is very fast. Excellent for web surfing. The version of office (Openoffice) that comes with Ubuntu worked great with all my MS office docs! Just wish they had a real MS ACCESS replacement.

    CONs: Can't hibernate yet (out of the box) Webcam is a bit subpar. But for $350 I can let that ride. Its just not the great. Keyboard is nice, and firm, with a nice solid feel. But it is very small. I have small hands and it is small. I am getting us to it. But just know it will take some adjustment. You have to expect that on a device this size. Its not too bad, but it will take some time to get use to. Software repositories need to be refreshed with newer software. Suspend sometimes hangs when you close the lid to the netbook. What I mean is, it will suspend automatically when you close you netbook, the first time. But after you wake it back up, if you close the lid again, nothing happens. So you need to press the power button, and tell it to suspend. A minor annoyance. All the hot buttons work, except the one that turns the wireless off and on. I called tech support and they said it just turns it off slowly. But on my unit, it has no effect at all no matter how long I hold down the button or how long I wait. The mouse buttons and touch pad set up are nice, and have a nice feel. The buttons do make a rather loud clicking sound when you tap them, which is not a problem unless your in a very quiet environment. But the touch pad is set up for button clicks, and scrolling. So you can use the silent touch pad instead if you are in a quiet place. So it is not really a big issue. Either Sylvania or Ubuntu needs to release a .iso for this Netbook Remix version of Ubuntu. It great having an additional recovery partition, but if the whole hard drive craps up you will need some form of media to reinstall. A small side point. COMPIZ does not work out of the box. And in fact I have not been able to get it to work on this machine. I would love and update to be released so I can enjoy the eye candy of COMPIZ. I know its doable. I would just like it out of the box.

    FINAL VERDICT: This is the best computer buying experience I have had in a long time. Due in large part to the Ubuntu installation. It just works. Its a poor man's MAC if you will indulge me. I have fallen in love with the new GUI, and I love the speed. I have a video playing (MP4, with no choppiness, in video or sound.) and I can be surfing the web, and flip over to a WORD document, all without losing a beat. It never seems to sure from any lag (like my Vista machine) No need to defrag, no viruses, no spyware, no registry problems. When I uninstall a program it is gone (all of it) The machine and OS are rock solid. They work beautifully together! I hope this becomes the OS of choice for NETBOOKS in the future. For me its a Vista killer. But be aware it is not a gaming machine. So if your a game, look else where. This is a web, email, video, music, word processing, spreadsheet, workhorse. Though it does seem to play a wicked game of chess. :)

    WEBCAM: 2
    OVERALL: 7.5

    I would say if your in the market for a netbook, and want to try something different than windows, but can't afford a MAC, this is the machine to get!

    Price: $269.99
    Related Links : Product by Amazon or shopping-lifestyle-20 Store
